How to learn any Tech Stack Fast

Intro: As a computer science professional, I often find myself in a situation where I have to learn a tech stack in a short period. Sometimes it is a project demand, sometimes you just want to learn something new. Spoiler: You can’t master a tech stack or technology fast, at least this should not be your mentality. You can finish beginner-level resources and if you have sufficient experience in similar tech you will be at an advanced level in no time. But I am not talking about that, I am talking about how you can learn a whole new tech stack fast. I also believe you can learn a stack in 2 to 6 months, but if you want to become a master you would need at least 2 years.
Disclaimer: If you don’t know any tech stack or are just a beginner. Don’t aim high. You can’t be a full-stack dev in one month if you don’t even know HTML. Know your level, and set a realistic expectation.
Let’s start with the blueprint:

Research: If you are in a situation where you need to learn a technology fast, the first thing you should do is research. What should you research? You need to search the tutorials and check the materials. I wouldn’t recommend Udemy/Coursera or any other paid course for now. You can check free resources online and I am sure you will find it. If you can’t find it go to this paid platform. But first, go to Coursera or EDX to check whether they have a free course.
List the best tutorials. Check the sections they cover. Every tech stack has a small number of sections you need to know to start developing or using the tech. That small portion covers 80% of the work in real life. You should search online for that small portion and target that first. Blogs will be the solution here. If you can’t find it try ChatGPT.

Another type of blog or documentation you should list is Best Practices documentation. I am telling you to do this because it will be helpful when you start making projects. Whenever you study a section, please check the documentation on best practices. This will speed up your learning curve.

Plan: Divide the resources(The small portion we talked about) into sprints. Why I am telling you to do this? Funny but you can brag about this learning journey in an interview. Trust me THEY LOVE AGILE. Also, it is a good way to divide and rule. You will have small goals and deadlines.
Learning phase 1: Try to learn and understand the topics you listed in 2 sprints. Each sprint will be 2 weeks. You will also check the best practices documents. Take handwritten notes as it will help you in memorization. But the most important thing is you understand the topic and see the use case of these topics.

Project 1: After finishing the listed resources now you need to do your first project. I don’t care if it is a clone project or if you follow someone’s video step by step. But make one project where you implement what you learn. At the end of the project try to add some features you want to add. And it is a must. Don’t Take more than one sprint to finish the project. Additional features may take another half of your sprint. 


Learning Phase 2: Now we need to learn the top advanced topics of the tech you are trying to learn. Don’t spend more than 1 sprint in this phase. In this phase, you can use Udemy/ Coursera. 

Project 2: After finishing the advanced resources, we need to make project number 2. This project should be your project, your idea. You should not copy other’s work. Set requirements, and features for the project. Spend 2-3 sprints to finish the project. You should have at least 8 functional and 3 non-functional requirements. Please maintain best practices

Feedback: After finishing the second project try to get feedback from other people. It can be your colleague who knows the tech, it can be an online discussion. But I would recommend someone who is an expert on this topic.


Celebrate: Share the projects with your friends or online. Tell them how you did it. Share your plan. Spread your knowledge and help others.
Stay Focused, Stay Consistent.